Uses of Class

Packages that use HTCalendar

Uses of HTCalendar in hoplugins.commons.utils

Methods in hoplugins.commons.utils that return HTCalendar
static HTCalendar HTCalendarFactory.createEconomyCalendar(plugins.IHOMiniModel model)
          Creates a HTCalendar to calculate local values for a league, using the economy date to flip over to the next week.
static HTCalendar HTCalendarFactory.createEconomyCalendar(plugins.IHOMiniModel model, java.util.Date date)
          Creates a HTCalendar to calculate local values for a league, using the economy date to flip over to the next week.
static HTCalendar HTCalendarFactory.createGlobalCalendar()
          Creates a HTCalendar to calculate global (Swedish) values.
static HTCalendar HTCalendarFactory.createGlobalCalendar(java.util.Date date)
          Creates a HTCalendar to calculate global (Swedish) values and presets it with he specified date a date.
static HTCalendar HTCalendarFactory.createTrainingCalendar(plugins.IHOMiniModel model)
          Creates a HTCalendar to calculate local values for a league, using the training date to flip over to the next week.
static HTCalendar HTCalendarFactory.createTrainingCalendar(plugins.IHOMiniModel model, java.util.Date date)
          Creates a HTCalendar to calculate local values for a league, using the training date to flip over to the next week.

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