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1   // %2389243612:hoplugins.commons.vo%
2   package hoplugins.commons.vo;
4   import plugins.IMatchDetails;
7   /***
8    * Class with holds the Ratings of a team in the 7 areas of the field
9    *
10   * @author <a>Massimiliano Amato</a>
11   */
12  public class MatchRating {
13      //~ Instance fields ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15      private double centralAttack;
16      private double centralDefense;
17      private double leftAttack;
18      private double leftDefense;
19      private double midfield;
20      private double rightAttack;
21      private double rightDefense;
23      //~ Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25      /***
26       * Sets the central attack rating
27       *
28       * @param rating The rating
29       */
30      public final void setCentralAttack(double rating) {
31          centralAttack = rating;
32      }
34      /***
35       * Gets the central attack rating
36       *
37       * @return The rating
38       */
39      public final double getCentralAttack() {
40          return centralAttack;
41      }
43      /***
44       * Sets the central defense rating
45       *
46       * @param rating The rating
47       */
48      public final void setCentralDefense(double rating) {
49          centralDefense = rating;
50      }
52      /***
53       * Gets the central defense rating
54       *
55       * @return The rating
56       */
57      public final double getCentralDefense() {
58          return centralDefense;
59      }
61      /***
62       * Returns the calculated <B>HatStats</B><code>(3  midfield) + (sum of defence) + (sum of
63       * attack )</code>
64       *
65       * @return the rating
66       */
67      public final double getHatStats() {
68          return (midfield * 3) + leftAttack + rightAttack + centralAttack + centralDefense
69                 + leftDefense + rightDefense;
70      }
72      /***
73       * Sets the left attack rating
74       *
75       * @param rating The rating
76       */
77      public final void setLeftAttack(double rating) {
78          leftAttack = rating;
79      }
81      /***
82       * Gets the left attack rating
83       *
84       * @return The rating
85       */
86      public final double getLeftAttack() {
87          return leftAttack;
88      }
90      /***
91       * Sets the left defense rating
92       *
93       * @param rating The rating
94       */
95      public final void setLeftDefense(double rating) {
96          leftDefense = rating;
97      }
99      /***
100      * Gets the left defense rating
101      *
102      * @return The rating
103      */
104     public final double getLeftDefense() {
105         return leftDefense;
106     }
108     /***
109      * Returns the calculated LoddarStats
110      *
111      * @param tactic The tactic code
112      * @param level The tactic rating
113      *
114      * @return the rating
115      */
116     public final double getLoddarStats(int tactic, int level) {
117         final double MIDFIELD_SHIFT = 0.0;
118         final double COUNTERATTACK_WEIGHT = 0.25;
119         final double DEFENSE_WEIGHT = 0.47;
120         final double ATTACK_WEIGHT = 1 - DEFENSE_WEIGHT;
121         final double CENTRAL_WEIGHT = 0.37;
122         final double WINGER_WEIGTH = (1 - CENTRAL_WEIGHT) / 2d;
124         double correctedCentralWeigth = CENTRAL_WEIGHT;
126         switch (tactic) {
127             case IMatchDetails.TAKTIK_MIDDLE:
128                 correctedCentralWeigth = CENTRAL_WEIGHT + (((0.2 * (level - 1)) / 19d) + 0.2);
129                 break;
131             case IMatchDetails.TAKTIK_WINGS:
132                 correctedCentralWeigth = CENTRAL_WEIGHT - (((0.2 * (level - 1)) / 19d) + 0.2);
133                 break;
135             default:
136                 break;
137         }
139         final double correctedWingerWeight = (1 - correctedCentralWeigth) / 2d;
141         double counterCorrection = 0;
143         if (tactic == IMatchDetails.TAKTIK_KONTER) {
144             counterCorrection = (COUNTERATTACK_WEIGHT * 2 * level) / (level + 20);
145         }
147         // Calculate attack rating
148         final double attackStrength = (ATTACK_WEIGHT + counterCorrection) * ((correctedCentralWeigth * hq(centralAttack))
149                                       + (correctedWingerWeight * (hq(leftAttack) + hq(rightAttack))));
151         // Calculate defense rating
152         final double defenseStrength = DEFENSE_WEIGHT * ((CENTRAL_WEIGHT * hq(centralDefense))
153                                        + (WINGER_WEIGTH * (hq(leftDefense) + hq(rightDefense))));
155         // Calculate midfield rating
156         final double midfieldFactor = MIDFIELD_SHIFT + ((1 - MIDFIELD_SHIFT) * hq(midfield));
158         // Calculate and return the LoddarStats rating
159         return 80 * midfieldFactor * (defenseStrength + attackStrength);
160     }
162     /***
163      * Sets the midfield rating
164      *
165      * @param rating The rating
166      */
167     public final void setMidfield(double rating) {
168         midfield = rating;
169     }
171     /***
172      * Gets the midfield rating
173      *
174      * @return The rating
175      */
176     public final double getMidfield() {
177         return midfield;
178     }
180     /***
181      * Returns the calculated <B>PStats</B> (aka PeasoStats)
182      *
183      * @return the rating
184      */
185     public final double getPStats() {
186         final double MIDFIELD = 0.46;
187         final double ATTACK = 0.32;
188         final double DEFENSE = 0.22;
189         final double SIDE = 0.3;
190         final double CENTER = 0.4;
192         return (rightDefense * DEFENSE * SIDE) + (centralDefense * DEFENSE * CENTER)
193                + (leftDefense * DEFENSE * SIDE) + (rightAttack * ATTACK * SIDE)
194                + (centralAttack * ATTACK * CENTER) + (leftAttack * ATTACK * SIDE)
195                + (midfield * MIDFIELD);
196     }
198     /***
199      * Sets the right attack rating
200      *
201      * @param rating The rating
202      */
203     public final void setRightAttack(double rating) {
204         rightAttack = rating;
205     }
207     /***
208      * Gets the right attack rating
209      *
210      * @return The rating
211      */
212     public final double getRightAttack() {
213         return rightAttack;
214     }
216     /***
217      * Sets the right defense rating
218      *
219      * @param rating The rating
220      */
221     public final void setRightDefense(double rating) {
222         rightDefense = rating;
223     }
225     /***
226      * Gets the right defense rating
227      *
228      * @return The rating
229      */
230     public final double getRightDefense() {
231         return rightDefense;
232     }
234     /***
235      * Returns the calculated <B>Smart Squad Rating</B> (<code>Squad Rating / stars</code>)
236      *
237      * @param stars Team star rating
238      *
239      * @return the rating
240      */
241     public final double getSmartSquad(double stars) {
242         return getSquad() / stars;
243     }
245     /***
246      * Returns the calculated <B>Squad Rating</B><code>(2  midfield) + (sum of defence) + (sum of
247      * attack )</code>
248      *
249      * @return the rating
250      */
251     public final double getSquad() {
252         return (midfield * 2) + leftAttack + rightAttack + centralAttack + centralDefense
253                + leftDefense + rightDefense;
254     }
256     /***
257      * Convert reduced float rating (1.00....20.99) to original integer HT rating (1...80) one +0.5
258      * is because of correct rounding to integer
259      *
260      * @param x HO float rating
261      *
262      * @return Integer HT rating
263      */
264     public final int float2HTint(float x) {
265         return (int) (((x - 1.0f) * 4.0f) + 1.0f);
266     }
268     /***
269      * {@inheritDoc}
270      */
271     public final String toString() {
272         final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
274         buffer.append("MatchRating[");
275         buffer.append("midfield = " + midfield);
276         buffer.append(", leftDefense = " + leftDefense);
277         buffer.append(", centralDefense = " + centralDefense);
278         buffer.append(", rightDefense = " + rightDefense);
279         buffer.append(", leftAttack = " + leftAttack);
280         buffer.append(", centralAttack = " + centralAttack);
281         buffer.append(", rightAttack = " + rightAttack);
282         buffer.append("]");
284         return buffer.toString();
285     }
287     /***
288      * Hattrick Quality function
289      *
290      * @param value Official Hattrick value
291      *
292      * @return Hattrick Quality value
293      */
294     private double hq(double value) {
295         return (2 * value) / (value + 80);
296     }
297 }