AVAILABLE - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
AboutItemListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.AboutItemListener.
Action listener for the about menu item
AboutItemListener() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.AboutItemListener
AboutPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.AboutPanel.
An about panel that shows info about the plugin
AboutPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.AboutPanel
Constructs a new instance.
AddPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.AddPanel.
A panel that allows the user to add a new favourite team
AddPanel(FavouriteMenu) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.AddPanel
Creates a new AddPanel object.
AddPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.AddPanel
Constructs a new instance.
AppearanceComparator - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.AppearanceComparator.
Comparator that orders based on number of appearance
AppearanceComparator() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.AppearanceComparator
AutoFilterPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.AutoFilterPanel.
AutoFilterPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.AutoFilterPanel
Creates a new instance of AutoFilterPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.FilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.AboutItemListener
Action performed event listener, show the about panel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.DownloadItemListener
Action performed event listener Show the download dialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.FavoriteItemListener
Action performed event listener If item is clicked show the team in the main comboBox
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.HelpItemListener
Action performed event listener Lauch a script that open the guide
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.ImportItemListener
TODO Missing Method Documentation
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.SimButtonListener
Action performed event listener PRepares the date for the 2 teams and lauch the MatchRatingPredictor
addApperarence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Increase number of Appearance for the player
addFavouriteTeam(Team) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
addMatch(Match) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchList
TODO Missing Method Documentation
addMatch(MatchDetail, boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TeamReport
Add a match to the report
addMatch(SpotLineup) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
addMatch(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
addMatchLineupPlayer(PlayerPerformance) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Add a player performance to the List
addName(String) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.NameManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
addNames(List) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.NameManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
addPerformance(PlayerPerformance) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.PositionReport
Add a performance to the report, and updated the tactic list
addPerformance(PlayerPerformance) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Add another performance to the Report, updating appearance and average rating the rest has to be updated in child classes
addPerformance(PlayerPerformance) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.SpotReport
Add a performance to the spot and updates the position based map
addPlayer(PlayerInfo) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO
Add a player to a team
addTeam(Team) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.FavoritesDAO
Add a new Favourite team
ageLabel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
appearanceField - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation


buildReport(List) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation


CHPPManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.CHPPManager.
Class that check for CHPP approval in operations
CHPPManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.CHPPManager
ComboBoxRenderer - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ComboBoxRenderer.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
ComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ComboBoxRenderer
Creates a new ComboBoxRenderer object.
centerPanel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
The main panel
clean() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
clean() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchPopulator
TODO Missing Method Documentation
clean() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.NameManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
clean() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
clean() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
clearData() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.AppearanceComparator
Compare two objects
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.MatchComparator
Compare two objects
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.PerformanceComparator
Compare two objects
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.RosterPlayerComparator
Compare two objects
constraints - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
GridBag Constraints


DeletePanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.DeletePanel.
A panel that allows the user to remove a favourite team
DeletePanel(FavouriteMenu) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.DeletePanel
Constructs a new instance.
DividerDAO - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.DividerDAO.
DB Access Manager for Divider locations
DividerDAO() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.DividerDAO
Creates a new DividerDAO object.
DividerListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.DividerListener.
Properry listener for the divider of the JSPlitPanes
DividerListener(String) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.DividerListener
Creates a new DividerListener object.
DownloadItemListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.DownloadItemListener.
Action listener for the download menu item
DownloadItemListener() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.DownloadItemListener
DownloadPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.DownloadPanel.
A panel that allows the user to download a new match from HO
DownloadPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.DownloadPanel
Constructs a new instance.
dao - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu
The DB Access object
desc() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
Return description for the team
downloadMatches(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.HattrickManager
Method that download from Hattrick the available matches for the team
downloadPlayers(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.HattrickManager
Method that download from Hattrick the current players for the team
downloadTeam(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.HattrickManager
Method that download from Hattrick the team name


expLabel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation


FavoriteItemListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.FavoriteItemListener.
Action listener for the favourite teams menu item
FavoriteItemListener(Team) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.FavoriteItemListener
Creates a new FavoriteItemListener object.
FavoritesDAO - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.FavoritesDAO.
DB Access Manager for Favourite Teams
FavoritesDAO() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.FavoritesDAO
Creates a new FavoritesDAO object.
FavouriteMenu - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu.
A Favourite Menu
FavouriteMenu() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu
Creates a new FavouriteMenu object.
Filter - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter.
Filter Object class that holds the user settings for selecting analyzed matches
Filter() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Creates a new Filter object.
FilterPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.FilterPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
FilterPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.FilterPanel
Creates a new FilterPanel object.
FormationPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel.
Main formation Panel class that delegator to subclasses the issue of building the gui
FormationPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Creates a new FormationPanel object.
filterMatches(Filter) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchList
TODO Missing Method Documentation
forceUpdate() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
formLabel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
format(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TacticPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation


getActiveTeamId() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Get the active team ID
getActiveTeamName() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Get the active team Name
getAge() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getAllMatches() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getAnalyzedMatch() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchPopulator
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getApp() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getAppearance() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Document Me!
getAppearance() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
getAvg() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getAwayGoals() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getAwayId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getAwayTeam() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getBackGround() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getBackGround() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UserTeamPlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getColor4Matchtyp(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UIColors
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiFilterTableModel
Returns the column class type
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRatingTableModel
Returns the column class type
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRecapTableModel
Returns the column class type
getConfig() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Returns the plugin configuration
getCupOpponentId() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Get next cup/friendly opponent team Id
getCustomComparator(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableSorter
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getDefaultSize() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getDefaultSize() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UserTeamPlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getDividerPosition(String) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.DividerDAO
Returns a value
getExperience() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getFilter() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Returns the actual filter settings
getForm() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getFormation() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
getHomeGoals() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getHomeId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getHomeTeam() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getInitials(String) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.NameUtil
Returns only the first name initial(s) for a player name, separated by "."
getKeeperPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Keeper
getKeeperPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Keeper
getLastName(String) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.NameManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getLastName(String) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.NameUtil
Returns the player last name
getLatestPlayerInfo(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getLeagueOpponentId() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Get next league opponent team Id
getLeftAttack() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
getLeftAttack() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
getLeftCentralDefenderPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Left Central Defender
getLeftCentralDefenderPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Left Central Defender
getLeftDefence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getLeftDefence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getLeftForwardPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Left Forward
getLeftForwardPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Left Forward
getLeftMidfieldPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Left Midfield
getLeftMidfieldPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Left Midfield
getLeftWingPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Left Wing
getLeftWingPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Left Wing
getLeftWingbackPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Left Wingback
getLeftWingbackPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Left Wingback
getLineup(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getLineup() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getLineup() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamLineupBuilder
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ComboBoxRenderer
getMainPosition() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMainRole() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMatchDate() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getMatchDetail() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
getMatchDetails() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMatchId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getMatchType(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil
Returns the description code for the match type
getMatchType() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getMatches() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchList
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMatches() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
getMax() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMiddleAttack() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMiddleAttack() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMiddleDefence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMiddleDefence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMidfield() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMidfield() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMin() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMyTeam() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Returns user team lineup data
getMyTeamLineupPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getMyTeamLineupPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
getName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Document Me!
getName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
getNextCupOpponent() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getNextLeagueOpponent() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getNickName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getNumber() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
getOpponentTeam() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Returns opponent team lineup data
getOpponentTeamLineupPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getOpponentTeamLineupPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPerformances() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
getPlayerAppearance() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.SpotReport
Document me!
getPlayerDesc(String) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.NameUtil
Returns the player description
getPlayerId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
getPlayerId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
getPlayerId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPlayerInfo(int, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO
Returns the specialEvent code for a player
getPlayerInfo(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO
Returns the specialEvent code for a player
getPlayerInfo(int, int, int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPlayerInfo(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPlugin() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Returns the main Plugin class
getPos() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPosition() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
getPosition() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getPositionCode() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getPositionDesc() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPositionReports() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.SpotReport
Document me!
getPrevious(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPreviousPlayeInfo(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getPreviousPlayerInfo(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Document Me!
getRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TeamReport
getRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
getRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
getRightAttack() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getRightAttack() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getRightCentralDefenderPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Right Centraldefender
getRightCentralDefenderPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Right Centraldefender
getRightDefence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getRightDefence() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getRightForwardPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Right Forward
getRightForwardPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Right Forward
getRightMidfieldPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Right Midfield
getRightMidfieldPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Right Midfield
getRightWingPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Right Wing
getRightWingPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Right Wing
getRightWingbackPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Panel Right Wingback
getRightWingbackPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Panel Right Wingback
getRosterPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getSeason() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
getSecondaryRoles() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getSelectedMatches() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getSelectedTeam() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.FilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getSortId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getSpecialEvent() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getSpecialEvent() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.UserTeamSpotLineup
getSpielerId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getSpielerName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getSpielerVName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getSpot() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Document Me!
getSpotLineup(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
Returns the SpotLineup for the spot
getSpotReport(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TeamReport
Returns the spot report for the specified spot field
getStars() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TeamReport
Document me!
getStars() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
getStars() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
Document me!
getStatus() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
getStatus() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getStatus() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
getStatus() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Document Me!
getTSI() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterTableRenderer
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterTableRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.renderer.PlayerPositionTableCellRenderer
getTacticCode() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TacticReport
Document me!
getTacticCode() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
getTacticCode() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.UserTeamSpotLineup
Document Me!
getTacticLevel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
getTacticReports() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.PositionReport
Document me!
getTactics() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Document Me!
getTaktik() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Document Me!
getTeam(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getTeamId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getTeamId() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
getTeamPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Get the Name of the Team
getTeamPanel() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Get the Name of the Team
getTeams() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.FavoritesDAO
Returns all favourite teams
getTeams() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
getWeek() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!


HattrickManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.HattrickManager.
Hattrick Download Helper class
HattrickManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.HattrickManager
HelpItemListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.HelpItemListener.
Action listener for the help menu item
HelpItemListener() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.HelpItemListener
hasHeaderLine() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableSorter
TODO Missing Method Documentation
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.renderer - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.renderer
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util
hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo - package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo


INJURED - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
ImportItemListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.ImportItemListener.
Action listener for the help menu item
ImportItemListener() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.ImportItemListener
Creates a new ImportItemListener object.
initCompare() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the layout for 2 teams displayed
initCompare() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.MixedLineupPanel
Setup the layout, with 2 teams displayed
initCompare() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.StandardLineupPanel
Setup the layout, with 2 teams displayed
initSingle() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the layout for only 1 team displayed
initSingle() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.MixedLineupPanel
Setup the layout, with only 1 team displayed
initSingle() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.StandardLineupPanel
Setup the layout, with only one team displayed
initialize(TeamAnalyzer) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Initialize the instance
isAutomatic() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
isAwayGames() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiFilterTableModel
Returns true if the cell is editable
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRosterTableModel
Method that returns if the cell if editable, false by default
isCheckTeamName() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
TODO Missing Method Documentation
isCup() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
isDefeat() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
isDescriptionRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isDownloadAllowed(Match) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ht.CHPPManager
Check if CHPP rules approve download for a match
isDraw() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
isFavourite(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.FavoritesDAO
check if a team is a favourite team
isFriendly() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
isHome(Match) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil
Check if the match is an homeMatch for the selected team
isHome(IMatchDetails) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil
Check if the match is an homeMatch for the selected team
isHomeGames() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
isLeague() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
isLineup() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isLoddarStats() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
TODO Missing Method Documentation
isMixedLineup() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isNumericRating() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isQualifier() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
isShowPlayerInfo() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
TODO Missing Method Documentation
isShowUnavailable() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isSmartSquad() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isSquad() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isStars() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isTacticDetail() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isTeamInList(int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
isTotalStrength() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
isUpdated() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
isWin() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
itemAdd - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu
Add menu item
itemDelete - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu
Delete menu item
items - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu
List of favourite team menu items


JokePanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.JokePanel.
A joke panel :)
JokePanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.JokePanel
Constructs a new instance.
jbInit() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
jbInit() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation


LineupStylePanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel.
An abstract Lineup jpanel
LineupStylePanel(FormationPanel) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
layout - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
GridBag layout
leftAtt - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Left Attack RatingBox
leftDef - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Left Defence RatingBox
lineup - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
loadActiveTeamMatchList() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation


MainPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
MainPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel
Creates a new TeamPanel object.
ManualFilterPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
ManualFilterPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterPanel
Creates a new instance of ManualFilterPanel
ManualFilterTableRenderer - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterTableRenderer.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
ManualFilterTableRenderer() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterTableRenderer
Match - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match.
Match Value object that holds relevant information about the game
Match(IMatchKurzInfo) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Creates a new Match object.
Match(IPaarung) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Creates a new Match object.
Match() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Creates a new empty Match object.
MatchComparator - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.MatchComparator.
Comparator that orders based on match date
MatchComparator() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.MatchComparator
MatchDetail - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail.
Match Detail containing data about the players that played in that game
MatchDetail(Match) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Creates a new MatchDetail object.
MatchList - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchList.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
MatchList() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchList
Creates a new MatchList object.
MatchManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
MatchManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchManager
MatchPopulator - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchPopulator.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
MatchPopulator() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchPopulator
MatchUtil - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil.
Match Utility Class
MatchUtil() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil
MixedLineupPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.MixedLineupPanel.
This is an empty panel to display a lineup in mixed style
MixedLineupPanel(FormationPanel) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.MixedLineupPanel
mainPanel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
The main formation panel
midAtt - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Central Attack RatingBox
midDef - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Central Defence RatingBox
midfield - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Midfield RatingBox
minSortableColumn() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableSorter
TODO Missing Method Documentation
myTeam - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
User Team Lineup Data


NameManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.NameManager.
NameManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.NameManager
NameUtil - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.NameUtil.
Team Player's name utility
NameUtil() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.NameUtil
nameField - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation


opponentTeam - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Opponent Team Lineup Data


PerformanceComparator - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.PerformanceComparator.
Comparator that orders based on number of performanceand rating as secondary parameter
PerformanceComparator() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.PerformanceComparator
PlayerAppearance - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance.
Class for collecting all the players appearance
PlayerAppearance() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
PlayerDataDAO - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO.
DB Access Manager for Player Data
PlayerDataDAO() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO
Creates a new TeamPlayerDAO object.
PlayerDataManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
PlayerDataManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
PlayerInfo - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
PlayerInfo() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
PlayerInfoPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel.
PlayerInfoPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
PlayerPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
PlayerPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
Creates a new PlayerPanel object.
PlayerPerformance - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance.
This is a wrapper around IMatchLineupPlayer
PlayerPerformance(IMatchLineupPlayer) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
Creates a new PlayerPerformance object around the loaded from HO
PlayerPositionTableCellRenderer - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.renderer.PlayerPositionTableCellRenderer.
PlayerPositionTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.renderer.PlayerPositionTableCellRenderer
PluginConfiguration - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration.
DB Access Manager for Configuration
PluginConfiguration() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Creates a new PluginConfiguration object.
PositionReport - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.PositionReport.
Report of all players played in a certain position on a spot on the field
PositionReport(PlayerPerformance) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.PositionReport
Creates a new PositionReport object.
populate(List) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.MatchPopulator
TODO Missing Method Documentation
positionField - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
positionImage - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.DividerListener
Action performed event listener, store the key in the Database


RatingBox - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingBox.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RatingBox() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingBox
Creates a new RatingBox object.
RatingBox(int, int) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingBox
Creates a new RatingBox object.
RatingPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RatingPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingPanel
Creates a new RatingPanel object.
RecapPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RecapPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapPanel
Creates a new RecapPanel object.
RecapRowColor - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UIColors
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
RecapTableRenderer - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableRenderer.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RecapTableRenderer() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableRenderer
RecapTableSorter - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableSorter.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RecapTableSorter(TableModel) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapTableSorter
Creates a new RecapTableSorter object.
Report - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report.
A Report class used for collect data on a specific spot on the field
Report(PlayerPerformance) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Creates a new Report object.
Report() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Creates a new Report object.
ReportManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
ReportManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
RosterPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RosterPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterPanel
Creates a new RosterPanel object.
RosterPlayerComparator - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.RosterPlayerComparator.
Comparator that orders based on number of performanceand rating as secondary parameter
RosterPlayerComparator() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.comparator.RosterPlayerComparator
RosterPlayerData - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RosterPlayerData() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
Creates a new PlayerData object.
RosterRoleData - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RosterRoleData(int) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterRoleData
Creates a new RoleData object.
RosterTableRenderer - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterTableRenderer.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
RosterTableRenderer() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterTableRenderer
ratingPanel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
refresh() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Refresh all the plugins data after an event
refreshData() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Refrwsh only the data without recalculating everything
reload() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.AutoFilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.FilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(TeamLineup, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.MainPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(SpotLineup, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingBox
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(TeamLineup) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RatingPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(TeamLineup) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RecapPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.RosterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(List) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TacticPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(TeamLineup, int, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamPanel
reload(UserTeamSpotLineup) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UserTeamPlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
reload(boolean, boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Refresh the panel
removeTeam(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.FavoritesDAO
Remove a Favourite team
result(Match) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil
Returns the result type, as 0 for draw, 1 for wins and -1 for defeat
result(IMatchDetails) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.util.MatchUtil
Returns the result type, as 0 for draw, 1 for wins and -1 for defeat
rightAtt - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Right Attack RatingBox
rightDef - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.FormationPanel
Right Defence RatingBox


SOLD - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
SUSPENDED - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
SelectedRowColor - Static variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UIColors
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
SettingPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.SettingPanel.
A panel that allows the user to configure the plugin
SettingPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.SettingPanel
Constructs a new instance.
SimButtonListener - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.SimButtonListener.
Action listener for the simulation Button
SimButtonListener(TeamLineupData, TeamLineupData) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.controller.SimButtonListener
Creates a new SimButtonListener object.
SpotLineup - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup.
Class that holds the real or calculated info for a position on the field (spot)
SpotLineup() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Creates a new SpotLineup object.
SpotLineup(SpotReport) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Creates a new SpotLineup object.
SpotReport - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.SpotReport.
Report of all players played in a certain spot on the field
SpotReport(PlayerPerformance) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.SpotReport
Creates a new SpotReport object.
StandardLineupPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.StandardLineupPanel.
This is an empty panel to display a lineup with standard style
StandardLineupPanel(FormationPanel) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.StandardLineupPanel
SystemManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager.
This is a class where all the relevant and shared plugin info are kept
SystemManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
setActiveTeam(Team) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Set the active team
setAge(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setAppearance(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Document Me!
setApperarence(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
setAutomatic(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setAwayGames(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setAwayGoals(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setAwayId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setAwayTeam(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setCheckTeamName(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setConfig(PluginConfiguration) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Update the plugin configuration
setCup(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
setDefeat(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setDescriptionRating(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setDividerPosition(String, int) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.DividerDAO
Set the value in the databse
setDraw(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setExperience(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setFilter() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.AutoFilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setFilter() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.ManualFilterPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setForm(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setFormation(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
setFriendly(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
setHomeGames(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setHomeGoals(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setHomeId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setHomeTeam(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setLeague(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
setLeftAttack(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setLeftAttack(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setLeftDefence(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setLeftDefence(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setLineup(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setLoddarStats(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMatchDate(Date) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setMatchId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setMatchType(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setMatches(List) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setMiddleAttack(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMiddleAttack(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMiddleDefence(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMiddleDefence(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMidfield(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMidfield(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setMidfieldRatingBar(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the rating bar in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setMixedLineup(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setMyAttack(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setMyDefence(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setMyKeeper(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setMyMidfield(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setMyPanel(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the user team title panel on the grid
setName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
setName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.RosterPlayerData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Document Me!
setName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
setNumber(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
setNumericRating(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setOpponentAttack(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setOpponentDefence(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setOpponentKeeper(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setOpponentMidfield(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets a lineup line in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setOpponentPanel(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the opponent team title panel on the grid
setPlayerId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
setPlayerId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
setPlayerId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setPosition(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
setQualifier(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
Document Me!
setRating(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Document Me!
setRating(MatchRating) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
setRating(MatchRating) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
setRatingBar1(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the rating bar in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setRatingBar2(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.lineup.LineupStylePanel
Sets the rating bar in the proper line on the grid bag grid
setRightAttack(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setRightAttack(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setRightDefence(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setRightDefence(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setSeason(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setShowPlayerInfo(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setShowUnavailable(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setSmartSquad(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setSpecialEvent(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setSpecialEvent(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.UserTeamSpotLineup
setSpot(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
Document Me!
setSpotLineup(SpotLineup, int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
Sets the spot place with the passes SpotLineup
setSquad(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setStars(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setStars(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
setStars(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
document me!
setStatus(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
Document Me!
setStatus(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setStatus(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerPerformance
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setStatus(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Document Me!
setTSI(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setTacticCode(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TacticReport
Document me!
setTacticCode(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
setTacticCode(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.UserTeamSpotLineup
Document Me!
setTacticDetail(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setTacticLevel(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
Document Me!
setTactics(List) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
Document Me!
setTeamId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setTeamId(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
setTeamName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
Set the Name of the Team
setTeamName(String) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
Set the Name of the Team
setTotalStrength(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PluginConfiguration
Document Me!
setValue(PlayerInfo) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
setWeek(int) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
Document Me!
setWin(boolean) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
showGuide(String[]) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor.UnixExec
Show the guide by calling the proper script
showGuide(String[]) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor.WindowsExec
Show the guide by calling the proper script
specialEventImage - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation


TacticPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TacticPanel.
TacticPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TacticPanel
Creates a new TacticPanel object.
TacticReport - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TacticReport.
Report of all the different tactic used
TacticReport(PlayerPerformance) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TacticReport
Creates a new TacticReport object.
Team - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team.
Team Object Class
Team() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
TeamLineup - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup.
Object that holds the Lineup for a certain formation, real or calculated
TeamLineup() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
TeamLineupBuilder - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamLineupBuilder.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
TeamLineupBuilder(TeamReport) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamLineupBuilder
Creates a new TeamLineupBuilder object.
TeamLineupData - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData.
This is an empty panel to display a lineup
TeamLineupData() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupData
TeamLineupPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel.
This is an empty panel to display a lineup
TeamLineupPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamLineupPanel
TeamManager - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
TeamManager() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.TeamManager
TeamPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
TeamPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.TeamPanel
Creates a new TeamPanel object.
TeamReport - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TeamReport.
The main report containing all the data
TeamReport() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TeamReport
Creates a new TeamReport object.
tacticPanel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation
teams - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.component.FavouriteMenu
List of favourite team objects
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.PositionReport
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.Report
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.report.TacticReport
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Filter
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Match
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.MatchDetail
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerAppearance
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.PlayerInfo
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.SpotLineup
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.Team
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
toString() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.TeamLineup
toString methode: creates a String representation of the object
tsiLabel - Variable in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerInfoPanel
TODO Missing Parameter Documentation


UIColors - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UIColors.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
UIColors() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UIColors
UiFilterTableModel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiFilterTableModel.
Custom FilterTable model
UiFilterTableModel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiFilterTableModel
Creates a new instance of UiFilterTableModel
UiFilterTableModel(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiFilterTableModel
Creates a new UiFilterTableModel object.
UiRatingTableModel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRatingTableModel.
Custom RatingTable model
UiRatingTableModel(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRatingTableModel
Creates a new UiRatingTableModel object.
UiRatingTableModel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRatingTableModel
Creates a new instance of UiFilterTableModel
UiRecapTableModel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRecapTableModel.
Custom RatingTable model
UiRecapTableModel(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRecapTableModel
Creates a new UiRecapTableModel object.
UiRecapTableModel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRecapTableModel
Creates a new instance of UiFilterTableModel
UiRosterTableModel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRosterTableModel.
Custom RatingTable model
UiRosterTableModel(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRosterTableModel
Creates a new UiRecapTableModel object.
UiRosterTableModel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.model.UiRosterTableModel
Creates a new instance of UiFilterTableModel
UnixExec - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor.UnixExec.
Class that may launch a script under unix OS
UnixExec() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor.UnixExec
UserTeamPlayerPanel - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UserTeamPlayerPanel.
TODO Missing Class Documentation
UserTeamPlayerPanel() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UserTeamPlayerPanel
UserTeamSpotLineup - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.UserTeamSpotLineup.
Extension of the spotLineup that holds user team data, as loaded from HO Lineup tab
UserTeamSpotLineup() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.vo.UserTeamSpotLineup
update(List) - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.PlayerDataManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
updatePlayer(PlayerInfo) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.dao.PlayerDataDAO
TODO Missing Method Documentation
updateRatingPanel(double) - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.PlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
updateReport() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Recalculate the report
updateReport() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.manager.ReportManager
TODO Missing Method Documentation
updateSpecialEvent() - Method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui.UserTeamPlayerPanel
TODO Missing Method Documentation
updateUI() - Static method in class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.SystemManager
Update the UI


WindowsExec - class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor.WindowsExec.
Class that may launch a script under Windows OS
WindowsExec() - Constructor for class hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.executor.WindowsExec


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