View Javadoc
1   // %2482368348:hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui%
2   package hoplugins.teamAnalyzer.ui;
4   import javax.swing.JLabel;
5   import javax.swing.JPanel;
8   /***
9    * This is an empty panel to display a lineup
10   */
11  public class TeamLineupPanel {
12      //~ Instance fields ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14      /*** The Panels and Label */
15      private JLabel m_jlTeamName = new JLabel();
16      private JPanel m_clLinkeAussenVerteidiger = new JPanel();
17      private JPanel m_clLinkeFluegel = new JPanel();
18      private JPanel m_clLinkeInnenVerteidiger = new JPanel();
19      private JPanel m_clLinkeMittelfeld = new JPanel();
20      private JPanel m_clLinkerSturm = new JPanel();
21      private JPanel m_clRechteAussenVerteidiger = new JPanel();
22      private JPanel m_clRechteFluegel = new JPanel();
23      private JPanel m_clRechteInnenVerteidiger = new JPanel();
24      private JPanel m_clRechteMittelfeld = new JPanel();
25      private JPanel m_clRechterSturm = new JPanel();
26      private JPanel m_clTorwart = new JPanel();
27      private double leftAttack;
28      private double leftDefence;
29      private double middleAttack;
30      private double middleDefence;
31      private double midfield;
32      private double rightAttack;
33      private double rightDefence;
35      //~ Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37      /***
38       * Get the Panel Keeper
39       *
40       * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
41       */
42      public JPanel getKeeperPanel() {
43          return m_clTorwart;
44      }
46      /***
47       * TODO Missing Method Documentation
48       *
49       * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
50       */
51      public void setLeftAttack(double i) {
52          leftAttack = i;
53      }
55      //	public JPanel getM_clLinkeAussenVerteidiger() {
56      //		return m_clLinkeAussenVerteidiger;
57      //	}
58      //
59      //	public JPanel getM_clLinkeFluegel() {
60      //		return m_clLinkeFluegel;
61      //	}
62      //
63      //	public JPanel getM_clLinkeInnenVerteidiger() {
64      //		return m_clLinkeInnenVerteidiger;
65      //	}
66      //
67      //	public JPanel getM_clLinkeMittelfeld() {
68      //		return m_clLinkeMittelfeld;
69      //	}
70      //
71      //	public JPanel getM_clLinkerSturm() {
72      //		return m_clLinkerSturm;
73      //	}
74      //
75      //	public JPanel getM_clRechteAussenVerteidiger() {
76      //		return m_clRechteAussenVerteidiger;
77      //	}
78      //
79      //	public JPanel getM_clRechteFluegel() {
80      //		return m_clRechteFluegel;
81      //	}
82      //
83      //	public JPanel getM_clRechteInnenVerteidiger() {
84      //		return m_clRechteInnenVerteidiger;
85      //	}
86      //
87      //	public JPanel getM_clRechteMittelfeld() {
88      //		return m_clRechteMittelfeld;
89      //	}
90      //
91      //	public JPanel getM_clRechterSturm() {
92      //		return m_clRechterSturm;
93      //	}
94      //
95      //	public JPanel getM_clTorwart() {
96      //		return m_clTorwart;
97      //	}
98      //
99      //	public JLabel getM_jlTeamName() {
100     //		return m_jlTeamName;
101     //	}
102     //
103     //
104     //	public void setM_clLinkeAussenVerteidiger(JPanel panel) {
105     //		m_clLinkeAussenVerteidiger = panel;
106     //	}
107     //
108     //	public void setM_clLinkeFluegel(JPanel panel) {
109     //		m_clLinkeFluegel = panel;
110     //	}
111     //
112     //	public void setM_clLinkeInnenVerteidiger(JPanel panel) {
113     //		m_clLinkeInnenVerteidiger = panel;
114     //	}
115     //
116     //	public void setM_clLinkeMittelfeld(JPanel panel) {
117     //		m_clLinkeMittelfeld = panel;
118     //	}
119     //
120     //	public void setM_clLinkerSturm(JPanel panel) {
121     //		m_clLinkerSturm = panel;
122     //	}
123     //
124     //	public void setM_clRechteAussenVerteidiger(JPanel panel) {
125     //		m_clRechteAussenVerteidiger = panel;
126     //	}
127     //
128     //	public void setM_clRechteFluegel(JPanel panel) {
129     //		m_clRechteFluegel = panel;
130     //	}
131     //
132     //	public void setM_clRechteInnenVerteidiger(JPanel panel) {
133     //		m_clRechteInnenVerteidiger = panel;
134     //	}
135     //
136     //	public void setM_clRechteMittelfeld(JPanel panel) {
137     //		m_clRechteMittelfeld = panel;
138     //	}
139     //
140     //	public void setM_clRechterSturm(JPanel panel) {
141     //		m_clRechterSturm = panel;
142     //	}
143     //
144     //	public void setM_clTorwart(JPanel panel) {
145     //		m_clTorwart = panel;
146     //	}
147     //
148     //	public void setM_jlTeamName(JLabel label) {
149     //		m_jlTeamName = label;
150     //	}
151     public double getLeftAttack() {
152         return leftAttack;
153     }
155     /***
156      * Get the Panel Left Central Defender
157      *
158      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
159      */
160     public JPanel getLeftCentralDefenderPanel() {
161         return m_clLinkeInnenVerteidiger;
162     }
164     /***
165      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
166      *
167      * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
168      */
169     public void setLeftDefence(double i) {
170         leftDefence = i;
171     }
173     /***
174      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
175      *
176      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
177      */
178     public double getLeftDefence() {
179         return leftDefence;
180     }
182     /***
183      * Get the Panel Left Forward
184      *
185      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
186      */
187     public JPanel getLeftForwardPanel() {
188         return m_clLinkerSturm;
189     }
191     /***
192      * Get the Panel Left Midfield
193      *
194      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
195      */
196     public JPanel getLeftMidfieldPanel() {
197         return m_clLinkeMittelfeld;
198     }
200     /***
201      * Get the Panel Left Wing
202      *
203      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
204      */
205     public JPanel getLeftWingPanel() {
206         return m_clLinkeFluegel;
207     }
209     /***
210      * Get the Panel Left Wingback
211      *
212      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
213      */
214     public JPanel getLeftWingbackPanel() {
215         return m_clLinkeAussenVerteidiger;
216     }
218     /***
219      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
220      *
221      * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
222      */
223     public void setMiddleAttack(double i) {
224         middleAttack = i;
225     }
227     /***
228      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
229      *
230      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
231      */
232     public double getMiddleAttack() {
233         return middleAttack;
234     }
236     /***
237      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
238      *
239      * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
240      */
241     public void setMiddleDefence(double i) {
242         middleDefence = i;
243     }
245     /***
246      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
247      *
248      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
249      */
250     public double getMiddleDefence() {
251         return middleDefence;
252     }
254     /***
255      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
256      *
257      * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
258      */
259     public void setMidfield(double i) {
260         midfield = i;
261     }
263     /***
264      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
265      *
266      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
267      */
268     public double getMidfield() {
269         return midfield;
270     }
272     /***
273      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
274      *
275      * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
276      */
277     public void setRightAttack(double i) {
278         rightAttack = i;
279     }
281     /***
282      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
283      *
284      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
285      */
286     public double getRightAttack() {
287         return rightAttack;
288     }
290     /***
291      * Get the Panel Right Centraldefender
292      *
293      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
294      */
295     public JPanel getRightCentralDefenderPanel() {
296         return m_clRechteInnenVerteidiger;
297     }
299     /***
300      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
301      *
302      * @param i TODO Missing Method Parameter Documentation
303      */
304     public void setRightDefence(double i) {
305         rightDefence = i;
306     }
308     /***
309      * TODO Missing Method Documentation
310      *
311      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
312      */
313     public double getRightDefence() {
314         return rightDefence;
315     }
317     /***
318      * Get the Panel Right Forward
319      *
320      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
321      */
322     public JPanel getRightForwardPanel() {
323         return m_clRechterSturm;
324     }
326     /***
327      * Get the Panel Right Midfield
328      *
329      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
330      */
331     public JPanel getRightMidfieldPanel() {
332         return m_clRechteMittelfeld;
333     }
335     /***
336      * Get the Panel Right Wing
337      *
338      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
339      */
340     public JPanel getRightWingPanel() {
341         return m_clRechteFluegel;
342     }
344     /***
345      * Get the Panel Right Wingback
346      *
347      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
348      */
349     public JPanel getRightWingbackPanel() {
350         return m_clRechteAussenVerteidiger;
351     }
353     //-- Getter/Setter ----------------------------------------------------------
355     /***
356      * Set the Name of the Team
357      *
358      * @param teamname TODO Missing Constructuor Parameter Documentation
359      */
360     public void setTeamName(String teamname) {
361         m_jlTeamName.setText(teamname);
362     }
364     /***
365      * Get the Name of the Team
366      *
367      * @return TODO Missing Return Method Documentation
368      */
369     public JLabel getTeamPanel() {
370         return m_jlTeamName;
371     }
372 }